For us a poularde is a hen that is castrated to avoid or, or rather, to prolong the egg laying at the maximum. The breed of our poulardes is Penedesenca (a breed with its origin in the Catalan region of Vilafranca). They are between 6 and 7 months old, with shiny black plumage, black legs and slow growth. As mentioned before, the castration process slows down the egg laying and allows the animal to fully concentrate on the fattening. Thus, its meat is highly prized and healthy fat, both features that guarantee its distinctive and sticky taste. This system differs from the usual one which consists of placing animals in cages and maintained them in the dark. For this reason, our hens are raised in big spaces, with an outdoor area and with low density charge. Their feeding based on cereals, pulses and oil contributes to breed animals with a good potential tasty value. Our animals are slaughtered at between 6 or 7 months old and served with a net weight (ready to be cooked) that ranges from about 2.300 kg to 3 kg.
Preserve by refrigeration or at +3º C.